However, when trying to adapt the particular movement styles, postures and gestures of ballet, or ballroom to swing dance, the results not infrequently appear as parodies of both styles. Chances of this working with a smooth style such as West Coast Swing are greater than with a jumpy style like Jitterbug. (I say, if you like the way it feels and/or looks: fine! Don't let worrying about what some others think stop you from experimenting.)
Partnering Styles: Some swing dance styles (or leaders!) require traditional 100% following. Others expect inter-play among partners. Some offer the follower opportunities to frolic, or even to initiate moves. In the most extreme case, the follower might "hijack" the lead, perceived by the leader either with joyful amusement, or baffled consternation (depending to the degree to which he has be "'90s-ised").
Some women actually prefer a rather controlling lead ("He puts me just where he wants me!") Beyond the enjoyment of be physically moved from place to place, some simply use the received energy to complete the move. Some experienced followers detest this type of lead, since it prevents them from exercising a variety of creative options. They may also feel that a firm lead implies that they need extra guidance with a move they have already done thousands of times. These factors greatly affect the overall "look" and "feel" of swing dance.
Dancers: Stanley Catron & Kaye Popp, age 17, Life Magazine, 1943
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SWING DANCE: Origins & Development