HOP SYLLABUS PE1172 spring 2009 -12 week course MUSIC: 110-120 starting tempo, 135 -140 bpm with Charleston |
Swingout followed by 8-16 ct open or connected jam (var. for all - slow 360 turn, rhythm patterns)
Frankie, OLD SCHOOL1 SWINGOUT with F moving backwd (L cross 5 and go fwd) SWINGOUT with F moving sideways (F cross 5, L hook 5) SWING
- fwd: move F in front, back: L moves in front SWINGOUT
with 2 OT -
from side CS or CP Frankie, OLD SCHOOL 2 Hand to Hand CS - transition into mini-dip involves additonal step Mini Dip - RS step hold step lift. Down 3, L 1/4 turn, F 3/4 turn 4+, pre-turning into 5, no need for L to spin, connect -lift -snap 6, end facing side-side (not front -front), stomp off +8
Frankie, OLD SCHOOL 3 Shake - cross 1, step 2, split 3, pause 4, shake 5678 Around the World with Points (2x8) - OT open 5 & L free turn 5678. Reconnect facing on 1 with point (tap Lead heel fwd), point 3 behind (tap Lead toe behind), point/tap facing 5, pause 567, stomp off +8 Slip Slop - lift 7, step 8, 1ift 1, RS +2 (from regular swingout) VAR: replace RS with Lift:1 Hold:2 (Minn's)
Frankie, OLD SCHOOL 3 Rock Step - L's turn, F goes around L. Rock: bk fwd bk fwd 5678 (RLRL) hold 8 1 2 and pivot, go: +3 +4 (RLRL) 56...normal.
Frankie, OLD SCHOOL 4 Push
- RS Step Hold 5678 - out in out in (L: step pivot step pivot, F:
hook pivot hook pivot) Heels
to Sailor Step
- trans IN: slide 78 to 12:2H heels, windup 3 CCW, She/He CW
under L's LH,
Frankie, OLD SCHOOL 5 Double Turn - from regular 1H swingout. follow this with an 8-count boogie, not a SO - F needs to recover. Back CS with Turn - tandem with open F & L CCW turn
Frankie, OLD SCHOOL 6 Handshake with quick turn - fast texas tommy Flying CS - kick R fwd (point R toe to begin turn, kick R back, step R, RS, kick L fwd. Hands up on 1.
rotate individually CW, go around each other CCW ++++++++ LINDY HOP PE 1172 - part II
with: Sugar Push Overturns: Ls and F's Texas Tommy from Side position or CP Slide - RS hop down, stay low on beat 3 weight fwd. shift weight on 4, rise on back leg for 56 or 5678. Frisbee from Side postion or CP She Goes He Goes (from open) Sling Shot Spinning Side Pass Follow Me Tuck Double Turns from side Swing Out w/Double Inside Turn Swing Out with Double OT Barrel Roll Crosshand Barrel Roll, VAR: Leader turn
Behind Back Side Pass VAR: Swim - catch Left to left as she comes around, F continues to turn CW (OT) LH ends up media sombrero behind L's head to side by side by side position. Promenade
- from SH to R promenade aka "skaters", 56 begin lead to
L side (L rock FB, F rock BF) , Savoy Dips: RS KK (fwd) KK (dip, waist to waist) KK (between legs) arms high in air. RS etc to out. Walsh Backs: back back sham shim step etc. end: back back RS etc. Leg Pop: shift F's weight R to L, pop leg on +7 360 her-wrap: L's face loop (L's LH) F CCW around L, 8 ct. Roll Shoulder Roll: L side pass with IT to shoulder, reverse turn with OT and reverse pass Guy Apache aka L's Texas Tommy: from SH, L turns 180 into own TT. Bring F around into behind back roll and free spin The
Tow: from SH, RS or rather a back-back for
L, on 2nd back begin heel roll, bent to straight leg, as F is pivoted Drags: to R couples pivot: L's left foot back first with L's arm fwd, conintuous movement. F is held high with L's arm around waist, not shoulders. F pivots her center on L's R side. three steps, into dip, then R couples pivot SQQ SQQ etc.