- West Coast Swing, Level I - updated April 13, 2009
MOVES - 6 count PART A Left Side Pass - L gets out of way and steps back:1, collects:2, pivot:3+4, anchor:5+6 F walk walk:12, pivot: 3+4:, anchor: 5+6 Right Side Pass Underarm Turn - R side pass with underarm turn Left Side Pass with Underarm Turn - 1H OT no tuck, she simply walks under the hand Sugar Push - lead F fwd +1 2, 3+4 (F pushes herself off:4) 5+6 anchor PART B Left Side Pass with Tuck Turn - "tuck turn" L side pass with tuck OT - windup:2 - (works great with 2H) Left Spinning Side Pass - L side pass with IT - windup:2 - (works great with 2H) Left Side Pass with Fold - windup:2, L's LH low to hammerlock:4, F 360 turn, then 180 turn to unwind Sugar Tuck - tuck OT (1H or 2H, windup:2, stop:3, turn:4 - standard tuck turn timing) Sugar with Inside Roll - IT (stop with L's RH, turn with L's LH) Sugar with One Arm Turn In - F fwd CW to 1/2 basket, compression:2, J lead & shoulder stop, OT:4 Sugar with Two Arm Turn In - F comes in CW, 2H OT to hammerlock (L's RH down, end in hammerlock) INTRODUCTORY
MOVES - 8 count |