AD LIBS - side repeater steps
PADDLE TURNS: adlibs while pivoting
CRAB WALKS - front:5 side:6 back:7 step:8 slows, start with downhold:34, then
L's RIGHT fwd.
Crab walks tavel sideways left if Ls R foot is going up and
COME AROUND - Start turning:2. Down hold & spin: 34, up hold 78. Hook: 5.
Firm hug.
This is a Right Couples Turn with a spin. Keep pivoting through
8 with hook. VAR: KBC:12
VAR: F's IT (open and kick:7, turn F:8) to roll-in.
CROSSOVERS (CROSS BREAKS) - Leader starts RS:56 R:7 to L side, F is on his R
No pivoting, lead but don't stop F. L's hand on F's hip. L:
small crossing of foot, slight offset.
L& F do Coaster Steps QQS : Back - together - Fwd, downholds.
EXIT: return to basic:12.
EXIT VAR: into Lolly Kicks. EXIT VAR: into F's
open IT:2
LOLLY KICKS - kick:7, step:8 tap:1 step:2, TapSKS. L: L:Tap, R:kick. wide step
after tap to create space for come around. Give her a Fwd lead, not just a
turn. Wide frame: L's hand on F's hip, F's hand on bottom of L's tricep. L leans
towards F. VAR: In a line. VAR: pivot F with kick/tap.
VAR: enter from Come Around, start with kick:7.
VAR: F's open IT:2 to roll-in, return to Lolly Kicks,
CROSSWALKS: From Crossover breaks, F Ochos, L walks back. Return to Crossover
breaks with L's R:RS
MAXIE STOP & SLIDE: Kick:7, pivot steps to V split (after inside foot kick),
step cross step slide.
DRAGS: L just starts walking backwards on 1 (slows) F falls fwd and catches
herself with big step
OT-IT combination, VAR: into Come Around as L rolls F in, VAR:
multiple IT's
F'S TURN REVERSAL: from Come Around : OT, then arm catch reverse and 3rd reverse
to roll-on.
VAR: Right roll-in from 1st arm catch
TEXAS TOMMY - on 3, bring her around. If she is short, use L's LH on shoulder
to push.
F's DOUBLE REVERSAL (Hawaii): connected IT, arm catch OT free spin, arm catch
IT free spin & L CCW spin
STEP AND SLIDE - step to side, shift weight, slide, a prep downhold is helpful.
LEFT COUPLES PIVOT (toe to toe L feet) 360 is possible (Max & Dominique)
TANGO SIT FROM JAMES BROWN SLIDE - from CP, L does 1/2 tic tocs with R foot
to open,
F steps L, then cross R, then flip legs to tango sit (Max
& Dominique)
IN THE AIR: L picks up follower for end of phrase and she does footwork in the
air. (Bernard & Anne-Helene)